An international consortium of more than 810 academic institutions and research organizations. ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research) provides leadership and training in data access, curation, and methods of analysis for the social science research community. To use, please create a free user account with your NMSU email address.
Provides powerful ways to connect students with dramatic texts, poetry and performance. Today, Digital Theatre+ delivers engaging learning experiences to students and educators in over 3,000 schools, colleges, and universities in 90+ countries.
Streams essential independent, social-issue and environmental films, providing exclusive access to content from renowned leaders in documentary film distribution. Subjects covered include: environmental studies and sciences, sociology, anthropology, global studies, area studies, women’s studies, history, political science, criminal justice, health, psychology, and the arts. To see NMSU’s licensed content, click on Log in; use the Institution Log In; choose NMSU from the drop down menu and click the Institution Log In button.