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ECED 315 : Research in Child, Growth, Development and Learning

Research in Child, Growth, Development and Learning

Limiting Search Results

Advanced search limits can be very helpful in education and social science research. 

Using PsychINFO, here are two examples of good times to use these tools to make your search precise. 

In some research classes,  professors will ask you to find 3 "qualitative" articles.  

You can limit your journal article search to "qualitative" in the Methodology field.

Another example:

You are doing research on compulsive behavior in early elementary aged boys.  There are as many articles about mice and/or rats as boys.

You can limit the research subject to "male" and "early elementary".

It isn't necessary to use advanced limiters at all times but it can make your results more accurate!


Advanced Search Features in PsycINFO

The advanced search in PsycINFO allows you to limit your search by publication type to peer reviewed journal, by document type to journal article, by methodology to empirical study, qualitative study, quantitative study, etc. and by age group i.e.  preschool age (2-5 yrs).