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Measuring and Broadening Your Research Impact

Why develop an online presence?

  • To make your research and teaching activities better known
  • To increase the chance of publications getting cited
  • To permit correct attribution, names and affiliation
  • To make sure that a much as possible is counted in research assessments
  • To increase the chance of new contacts for research collaboration
  • To increase the chance of funding
  • To serve the larger society better

By broadcasting your article across various social media, you will increase its visibility/accessibility.  Share graphs or other visual elements of your research via twitter, for example - directing users to the article itself via DOI.

Author Disambiguation

It is important to get credit for all your works (and just your works) and getting an ORCID identifier will assist you in this.

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a non-proprietary, international ID that provides you with a persistent digital identifier that disambiguates you from every other researcher. It is strategically important because it enables all databases to automatically link journal articles, books, standards, datasets and more to you by your ORCID. At ORCID you can create a profile, link it to your ResearchID and/or import publications from a crossref search. Further functionality is being developed.

Go to ORCID, register for an ORCID ID (under "for researchers") and complete your profile and while doing so, click “Add Works” to import your publication details.

Select the privacy settings  you prefer before logging out.

More about the ORCID registry

Web of Science offers a complementary means for establishing your own unique identifier - ResearcherID (Thomson Reuters). Many researchers link the two identifiers.  A ResearcherID is useful in that much citation analysis for those in the STEM fields can be done within Web of Science. For more information about setting up a ResearcherID in Web of Knowledge, go to the ResearcherID home page. 

To Note: ORCID is being widely adopted; ADS (NASA Astrophysics Data System) is collaborating with ORCID to facilitate the article claiming process. Also, many journals and publishers are or will soon require authors to include their ORCID with their submission.

Making Yourself More Visible

ResearchGate is a very large (originally German) researcher community linking researchers around research topics. You can choose which topics or researchers to follow. You can automatically populate your publications list, add items from reference management tools, or add items manually. You can even upload and share full text publications (e.g. last author versions that many publishers allow you to share).

Go to Researchgate, sign up and complete your profile, then add your publications by following the instructions. Then select the topics you wish to follow, if any.

All pre-pub full text publications uploaded to Researchgate profiles are indexed by Google Scholar – which can increase exposure of your published articles that lay behind pay walls.

More about ResearchGate.

Open Mendeley (login not required) and search an article or subject using the search link in the top bar. For each article, the number of Mendeley users that have added this paper to their Mendeley library ('readers') is shown underneath the information about the article. When you click on the article's title, more information on readership statistics is displayed.

If you create an account, you can use Meneley as a reference management system, as well as upload your articles to let the user community have access. In addition, you can join a social network group that is interested in your research topic, e.g., “Scholarly communication and the role of libraries and librarians” and share articles, questions and commentary amongst the group.

CiteULike is a free service for managing and discovering scholarly references: as of March 10, 2016 there were 8,239,982 articles. It offers automated article recommendations, and lets you find out who is reading what you're reading.

Non-Journal Places to Share Scholarly Content