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ARTH 1115G : Orientation in Art

  NMSU Library Databases

What are Library Databases?

Databases are online indexes to the contents of journals, magazines, and newspapers. They are what you'd use to find articles on a particular topic. The NMSU Library provides access to over 150 different databases, many of which are subject-specific (ie, business or health).

The following databases will provide you with a good starting point as you work on your research for this class:


Journals (print & electronic) -- Most electronic journals are available through the databases listed above. Print journals are shelved in the stacks, primarily in N (Zuhl, 3rd floor) but print photography journals are found in TR (Branson, 4th floor). Below is a link to look at journals in the areas of Art, Architecture, and Applied Arts. This includes Fine Arts, Gardens, Landscape Architecture, and the visual arts, such as painting, photography, and sculpture.