Special Collections added the following 9 titles to ASC’s holdings during the first quarter of 2021.  Due to COVID-19 and staff working off-site, this list is a sample of donated publications only and while not exhaustive, is meant to highlight recent acquisitions.  For a full list of Special Collections titles, please search PRIMO, the library’s catalog.

Abandoned New Mexico: Enigmas and Endings by Susan Tatterson (Arcadia Publishing: 2019) F797 .T38 2019

Abandoned New Mexico: Ghost Towns, Endangered Architecture, and Hidden History by John M. Mulhouse (Arcadia Publishing: 2020) F797 .M85 2020

Aztec, Salmon, and the Puebloan Heartland of the Middle San Juan edited by Paul F. Reed and Gary M. Brown (University of New Mexico Press: 2018) E78.N65 A95 2018

Borderlands Boy: Love, War and Peace in the Atomic Age by Ken Carpenter (Sunstone Press: 2019) HQ75.8.C37 A3 2019

A Chance for Every Child: A History of the El Paso Center for Children and Its Beginnings at the St. Margaret’s Orphanage, and the Southwestern Children’s Home by Donna G. Munch, Shirley Clement Fouts, and Sandy Rioux (Trego-Hill Publications: 2009) HV995.E45 E46 2009

Lieutenant Colonel N.A.M. Dudley Court of Inquiry, Fort Stanton, New Mexico, 1879 edited by R.M. Barron (self-published: 1995) F802.L7 B377 1995

Living in Las Cruces: The Editorial Cartoons of Bob Diven by Bob Diven (self-published: 2020) NC1429.D584 L58 2020

Rimfire by Tom Diamond (Beaverhead Lodge Press: 2004) PS3604.I26 R564 2004

Santa Fe’s New Mexico Division: Varnish, Coal, Copper and Cattle by Robert D. Walz (Santa Fe Railway Historical & Modeling Society Inc.: 2020) HE2771.N6 W35 2020