Special Collections added the following nine titles to ASC’s holdings during the fourth quarter of 2021.  The list is a sample of purchased and donated publications and while not exhaustive, is meant to highlight recent acquisitions.  For a full list of Special Collections titles, please search PRIMO, the library’s catalog.

Deconstructing Eurocentric Tourism and Heritage Narratives in Mexican American Communities: Juan De Oñate as a West Texas Icon by Frank G. Pérez and Carlos F. Ortega (Routledge: 2020) E184.M5 P475 2020

Laughing in the Light by Jimmy Santiago Baca (Museum of New Mexico Press: 2020) PS3552.A254 L38 2020

Nepantla Familias: An Anthology of Mexican American Literature on Families Between Worlds by Sergio Troncoso (Texas A&M Press: 2021) E184.M5 N35 2021

Reflections of a Transborder Anthropologist: From Netzahualcóyotl to Aztlán by Carlos G. Vélez-Ibáñez (University of Arizona Press: 2020) GN21.V45 A3 2020

Reverberations of Racial Violence: Critical Reflections on the History of the Border by Sonia Hernádez and John Morán González (University of Texas Press: 2021) F395.M5 R48 2021

Sacred Seeds: A Girl, Her Abuelos, and the Heart of Northern New Mexico by Mari-Luci Jaramillo (Barranca Press: 2019) PZ9.5 E840.8.J38 A3 2019

The Saga of Old Cimarron by Lloyd Severance Ballard (Opus Self-Publishing: 2021) F804.C5 B355 2021

Thirty Talks Weird Love by Alessandra Narváez Varela (Cinco Puntos Press: 2021) PZ7.5.N37 Thi 2021

Voice of the Tribes: A History of the National Tribal Chairmen’s Association by Thomas A. Britten (University of Oklahoma Press: 2020) E93 .B865 2020