The ASC staff have had the privilege of working with Lauretta King as she took on an immense project to preserve the records and history of the university’s Black Programs. In this post, she shares her insights on the 2-year long project.
The NMSU Library faculty, staff, and students working on the National Endowment for the Humanities digitization grant were awarded the Conference of Inter-Mountain Archivists’ Special Projects Award for 2024.
The New Mexico State University Library will host a special event in celebration of Sunshine Week on Thursday, March 28 from 3-4p.m.
The journal Umoja holds a unique place as a pioneering Black Studies publication, one born in the Land of Enchantment.
What's it like to move all 80,000 cataloged items in the NMSU Library Special Collections?
A fun, lighthearted behind-the-scenes tour of ASC!
If you’re in Las Cruces, stop by the second floor of Branson Library to view an exhibit of aerial photographs showing the growth of NMSU’s main campus during the years 1936-1985. Or check out the the online version on our website.