American Psychologist- PsycARTICLES
American Journal of Family Therapy-
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences- Indexed in ERIC
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology- PsycARTICLES
Psychological Bulletin- PsycARTICLES
Applied Psychology- Academic Search Premier
Journal of Mental Health Counseling- Academic Search Premier, Education Research Complete
Counseling Psychologist- Education Research Complete, PsycINFO
Journal of Counseling Psychology- PsycARTICLES
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology- Academic Search Premier
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology- Indexed in ERIC
Journal of Counseling and Development- Academic Search Premier, Education Research Complete
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy- Indexed in ERIC
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology- PsycARTICLES
Journal of College Student Personnel- Indexed in ERIC
Counseling and Values- Academic Search Premier
Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development- Academic Search Premier
Psychotherapy- PsycARTICLES
Journal of Child Psychology, Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines- Academic Search Premier, Indexed in ERIC
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice- PsycARTICLES
Women & Therapy- N/A
American journal of family therapy- Education Research Complete
Journal of Feminist Family Therapy- PsycINFO
Journal of Child Psychology, Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines - PsycINFO
Personnel & Guidance Journal- Academic Search Premier, Education Research Complete
I recommend these databases for education research.
There are other databases with research relevant to education but this is a good starting point!
1) Go to Academic Search Complete
2) Click on Choose Databases
3) Select Academic Search Premier, ERIC, Education Research Complete, and PsycARTICLES
4) Type in the journal names of the select journals in parentheses separated by the word OR copy and paste the following paragraph into the search box (including parentheses).
Select SO Source.
5) Type in your search terms. Here are some sample topics/ searches for this assignment:
Albert Ellis and (REBT or rational emotive)
(Alfred Adler or Adlerian) and individual psychology
Aaron Beck and (cognitive behavioral or cbt)
(Carl Rogers or Rogerian) and (client centered or person centered)