An outcome of the federal public access mandates has been that commercial publishers have had to let go of the article ownership they formerly maintained to maximize their profitability. Individual journals may set their own policies regarding making the research articles generated from agency grants publicly available, but below are a collection of policies from many of the major publishing firms. In many instances, the publishers seek to recoup a perceived loss in profit by establishing embargo periods and/or charging authors fees to make their articles publicly accessible.
Elsevier NIH Policy Statement - Like most of the major publishers, Elsevier works with NIH-funded authors to deposit their articles in PubMed Central.
Elsevier Open Access Licensing - Elsevier offers a choice between a commercial and non-commercial Creative Commons license in their proprietary titles. The choice is dependent on the journal in which the author chooses to publish. Please refer to the journal's homepage for specific details.
Sage Publishing - Author information on public access
Sage Publishing - Open access initiatives
Springer - NIH Policy
Springer - Open access options
Taylor & Francis - Open access policy
Taylor & Francis - Sharing your work policy
Wiley - NIH policy
Wiley - Open access options
Wiley - Self-archving options