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ANTH 313 : Ancient Mexico

Resources for Anthropology 313

Where is it?


Shelved by call number

A - P  Zuhl

Q - Z Branson


Archives/Special Collections

4th floor Branson


Atlases and Maps

1st floor Branson

Government Documents

1st floor Branson


Current Periodicals

1st floor Branson



1st floor Branson



1st floor Zuhl



1st floor Zuhl


Videos, DVDs, CDs

1st floor Branson

Find Books

The NMSU Library Catalog provides access to books, videos, government documents, archive collections, and many other resources. The Catalog is now part of the Primo Discovery System

When searching in Primo you are searching:

  • Books, DVDs, journals and other physical items found in the Library

  • Most of the library's online journal articles and newspaper content

  • The NMSU Library Special Collections and Digital Archives

What else can I do with Primo?

  • Renew materials you checked out, use My Account.

  • Create and save lists, save to My Research.

  • Order books from other libraries in the NMSU system


Reference Zuhl 1st Floor   Q – QC Branson 2nd Floor
A – J Zuhl 2nd Floor   QD – SD Branson 3rd Floor
K – PZ Zuhl 3rd Floor   SF – Z Branson 4th Floor


Here are some additional resources for finding books:

Selected Reference Materials

These are a small selection of reference materials on Ancient Mexico and Mesoamerica. Many more books on these and related topics can be found by browsing the Reference Collection on the First Floor in Zuhl Library. (See the Browsing List below)

Anthropology Reference Books

BROWSING LIST of reference sources for Anthropology and Social Science information. Browse the shelves in the different call number ranges to find more useful reference books. These books are all located in the REFERENCE area on the 1st Floor of Zuhl Library.

BL 31 E46

Encyclopedia of Religion (16 v.)

CC70 .W68 2007

The world encyclopedia of archaeology : the world’s most significant sites and cultural treasures

CC75 .A654 2000

Archaeological method and theory : an encyclopedia

CC77.H5 E53 2002

Encyclopedia of historical archaeology

CC100 .E54 2001

Encyclopedia of archaeology : History and discoveries

CC165 .A75 1998

The atlas of archaeology

E 49 R33 2000

Racial and Ethnic Relations in America (3 v.)

E 58 W82

Indians of North and South America

E77.9 .A72 1998

Archaeology of prehistoric native America : an encyclopedia

E 77 G15 1998

Gale Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes (4 v.; includes Caribbean & Middle America)

E 77 N62 1996

Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas (3 v.; v. 2 Mesoamerica; v. 3 South America

E81 .E98 2005

Encyclopedia of Native American wars and warfare

E98.A7 W49 2000

The Continuum encyclopedia of native art : worldview, symbolism, and culture in Africa, Oceania, and North America

E98.R3 H73 2000

Encyclopedia of Native American religions : an introduction

E 169.1 D399 2001

Guide to United States Popular Culture

E 169.12 E49 2001

Encyclopedia of Contemporary American Culture

E 184 A1 H35

Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups

F 1204 D56 1995

Historia, biografia y geografia de Mexico (4 v.)

F 1204 E539 1997

Encyclopedia of Mexico: History, Society & Culture (2 v.)

F 1218.6 O95 2001

Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures (3 v.)

F1218.6 .A73 2001

Archaeology of ancient Mexico and Central America : an encyclopedia

F 1401 H23

Handbook of Latin American Studies (58 v.; bibliography; also online)

F 1406 E515

Encyclopedia of Latin American and Caribbean Cultures (3 v.)

F 1406 E53 1996

Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture (5 v.)

F 1408 H16

Hispanic American Periodicals Index—HAPI (ongoing index, also online)

F 1434 H3

Handbook of Middle American Indians (16 v. + supplements)

F 1435 S45 1990

Collected Works in Mesoamerican Linguistics & Archaeology (6 v.)

F 1522 E53 2002

Enciclopedia de Nicaragua (2 v.)

F 1754 E53 2003

Encyclopedia of Cuba (2 v.)

F 2229 H3 1963

Handbook of South American Indians (7 v.)

F2254 D38 1993

Historical Dictionary of Colombia

F2304 E54 2001

Enciclopedia Oceano de Venezuela (4 v.)

F3054 E53 2001

Enciclopedia de Chile (4 v.)

F3404 T38 2001

Enciclopedia Ilustrada del Peru (17 v.)



GN11 .E63 2006

Encyclopedia of anthropology (5 v.)

GN 25 C65 1994

Companion Encyclopedia of Anthropology: Humanity, Culture, and Social Life

GN 50.3 H57 1997

History of Physical Anthropology (2 v.)

GN 281 C435 1992

Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Evolution

GN 281 E53 2000

Encyclopedia of Human Evolution and Prehistory

GN 281 M53 1990

Encyclopedia of Evolution: Humanity’s Search for its Origins

GN 307 C68 2001

Countries and their Cultures (4 v.)

GN 307 E52

Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology (4 v.)

GN 307 E53 1991

Encyclopedia of World Cultures (10 v. + supplements)

GN 333 W67

Worldmark Encyclopedia of Cultures and Daily Life (4 v.; v. 2 Americas)

GN 495.4 E53 1993

Encyclopedia of the Peoples of the World

GN 562 S74 1999

Dictionary of Latin American Racial and Ethnic Terminology



GR 35 F63 1997

Folklore : an encyclopedia of beliefs, customs, tales, music, and art

GR 101 A54 1996

American Folklore: an Encyclopedia

GR 105.34 B78 2001

Encyclopedia of Urban Legends

GR 111 M49 C37 2000

Dictionary of Chicano Folklore

GR 141 S59 2000

Dictionary of English Folklore

GR 350 A33 2004

African Folklore: an Encyclopedia

GR 880 R53 1979

Dictionary of Medical Folklore

GR 780 V53 1997

Dictionary of Plant-Lore

GR 931 C4413 1994

Dictionary of Symbols

GT 2850 E53 2003

Encyclopedia of Food and Culture (3 v.)

GV 1585 I586 1998

International Encyclopedia of Dance (6 v.)



H 41 I58 2001

International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences  (26 v.)

HB1965 .E53 2006

Encyclopedia of immigration and migration in the American West

HM 291 E625 1999

Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace & Conflict (3 v.)

HN 57 E58

Encyclopedia of American Social History (3 v.)

HN 373 E63 2001

Encyclopedia of European Social History (6 v.)

HT 108.5 E53 2002

Encyclopedia of Urban Cultures (4 v.)

HV 6322.7 E53 1999

Encyclopedia of Genocide (2 v.)

JV 6465 E53 2001

Encyclopedia of American Immigration (4 v.)

K 3239.3 C66

A Handbook of International Human Rights Terminology

K 3240.4 H847 1999

Human Rights: The Essential Reference



ML 100 G16 1998

Garland Encyclopedia of World Music (10 v.; v. 2 South & Central America & the Caribbean)

ML156.4.I5 W75 2005

The encyclopedia of native music : more than a century of recordings from wax cylinder to the Internet



P 29 C64 1997

Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language

P 29 E48 1994

Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics (10 v.)

P 29 I58 2003

International Encyclopedia of Linguistics (4 v.)

P 29 L52 1991

Linguistics Encylopedia

P 143 T727 2000

Dictionary of Historical and Comparative Linguistics 

P 371 C36 2000

Compendium of the World’s Languages (2 v.)

PN 41 E48 1998

Encyclopedia of Folklore and Literature

Q 121 M3 1997

McGraw Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology (20 v.)

QP 11 E53 1997

Encyclopedia of Human Biology (9 v.)


LC Call Numbers

A General Works  

AE Encyclopedias  

AY Yearbooks & Almanacs 

B Philosophy/Psychology/Religion  

B-BD Philosophy  

BF Psychology  

BL-BX Religion 

C: History: Related Fields  

CC Archaeology  

CT Biography 

D History (except N & S. American) 

E American History 

F Local History/ Non-US  History of N. & S. America 

G Geography/Anthropology/Recreation  

G-GF Geography  

GN Anthropology  

GV Recreation 

H Social Sciences  

HA Statistics  

HB-HJ Economics, Business, & Finance  

HM-HX Sociology 

J Political Science  

JK United States  

JX International Law 

K Law  

L Education 

M Music 

N Fine Arts 

P Languages and Literature  

PA Classical Languages & Literature  

PE English Language  

PN Literary History

PQ Romance Languages Literature  

PR English Literature  

PS American Literature 

Q Science  

QA Mathematics & Computers  

QB Astronomy  

QC Physics  

QD Chemistry  

QE Geology  

QH Natural History & General Biology  

QK Botany  

QL Zoology  

QR Microbiology 

R Medicine  

RM Pharmacology  

RS Pharmacy  

RT Nursing 

S Agriculture 

T Technology  

TA Civil Engineering  

TJ Mechanical Engineering  

TK Electrical Engineering  

TP Chemical Engineering 

U Military Science 

V Naval Science 

Z Bibliographies and Library Science 


Using Call Numbers

How do Library of Congress call numbers work?

What is a call number?

A call number is the group of letters and numbers found on the spine or front cover of a book. This number helps you find the book among all of the others in the library’s collection of materials. It also helps to keep material on the same subject in the same place in the library.

The NMSU Library uses the Library of Congress (LC) system, which is different than the  Dewey Decimal system. You may be familiar with Dewey call numbers, as public and school libraries typically use them to organize books.

Each book has a unique call number, like an address, which is used to locate the book.  Call numbers appear on the spines on books (read top-to-bottom) and in the online catalog (read left-to-right). 


How do I find the call number for a book?

To find out a book’s call number, you need to consult the online library catalog. The catalog will list the book’s call number at the bottom of the record (all of the information about the book), along with the book’s location (Branson Library or Zuhl Library).


What does the call number mean?

The letter(s) and numbers in a LC call number represent different things. To “read” a call number, read from left to right. As you move along the number toward the right, you go from the general subject area to the specific.

For example QA 76.76 .H94 M88 1997 (HTML: The Definitive Guide) is a book located in the Mathematics section of the Qs:

  • Q represents Science, QA represents the Mathematics portion of Science
  • 76 represents the Computer Science portion of Mathematics
  • .76 indicates ‘Special Topics in Automation’ (a subtopic of Mathematics
  • H94 means that the book is about HTML
  • M88 indicates the author, Musciano
  • 1997 indicates the year the book was published

As you see, the subject gets more specific as you read the call number (or, as the number gets longer.)


How do I locate a book using a call number?


  1. Locate the first letter of the call number.  For example, with QA 76.76 .H94 M88 1997,  you’d want to find the Qs.
  2. Once you have found the Qs, look for the QAs.  Each letter of the alphabet is usually further subdivided by another letter.
  3. Once you have found the QAs, look for the numbers on the next line.  In the case of our example, you would look for 76.76.  Remember to think of this number as a whole number with the point (.) acting as a decimal point.
  4. If the first two lines of the call number are the same, books are then shelved by the third line, which begins with another letter.  In the case of our example, you’d then look for H, and after that, for .94.  The point (.) before the H acts as a decimal, so .H94 would come after .H342, for example.
  5. The next set of letters and numbers are done the same way, except notice there is no decimal point, so the numbers after the M are considered whole numbers.  For example, M88 would come before M342.


Putting Call Numbers in Order

Library Catalog