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Library Resources for Distance Education

A brief guide to library resources and tools for NMSU's distance students.


New Mexico State University Library offers a variety of services to New Mexico State University distance education students.  According to the Library's policy, Library Services for Registered New Mexico State University Main Campus Distance Education Students, students eligible for distance education services must meet the following conditions:

  • Distance education students must be registered at NMSU main campus or NMSU Global, and
  • Distance education students must reside outside Dona Ana County, New Mexico.

Distance education services are also available for registered NMSU main campus students assigned to remote work placement.  This includes NMSU main campus graduate students completing coursework or research projects at a distance from campus.

Resources and Services

Enter your search to find books, articles, videos, and more from the Library's discovery system



Or, choose a database below. Click "View More Results" to go to the A-Z Database List.

How do I download and use the NMSU VPN?

The NMSU VPN (virtual private network) is the easiest way to access Library databases from off campus.


Connecting to NMSU's VPN may be necessary to access certain library resources. Here is how to download and use the VPN:


To download the VPN for the first time, go to

From the dropdown menu, choose NMSU-z-Lib Database Access. You will then be prompted to login with your NMSU credentials and authentication.

Follow the on-screen directions to download the VPN.
Supplementary instructions for Mac and Windows users can be found here.
Chromebook users, scroll to the bottom of this FAQ for instructions.

To turn the VPN on, search your computer apps for the Cisco AnyConnect App:



To establish a secure VPN, type and click "Connect."



Chromebook Instructions:

  1. Download the Cisco Secure Client-AnyConnect from the Google Play Store. When you’ve downloaded the client, launch the AnyConnect App.

  1. Read the End User License Agreement. If you accept the agreement, tap Accept to continue. If you do not accept the agreement, tap Decline to discontinue. Next, tap Add New VPN Connection...

  1. Set the Description to NMSU and the Server Address to Then tap Done.

  1. Tap on the new NMSU connection you just created. Enter your NMSU username in the Username box and your NMSU password in the Password box and tap OK.

  1. On the next screen, read the disclaimer. If you agree, select I trust this application. to continue. If you do not agree, tap Cancel to discontinue. Then tap OK.

  1. You are now connected as indicated by the Key icon in the Notification Bar at the top.

  1. To disconnect, swipe down the Notification Bar at the top, access AnyConnect, and tap Disconnect.


Browse through other Library Research Guides by Subject:

How to have physical items delivered to you:

1. Register with Interlibrary Loan

2. In your Profile, choose "Distance Education" under Status

3. Add your home address or other preferred delivery location under Address

4. Choose "Mail to Address" under Preferred Loan Delivery Method

5. Scanned items like articles and chapters will still arrive electronically

Online Guides for MLA Style

Style Guides

Online Guides for APA Style

Style Guides

Online Style Guides for ACS Style

Style Guides

Online Guides for CSE Style

Style Guides

Online guides for Turabian style

Style Guides

Online guides for AMA style

Style Guides

Online guides for ASA style

Style Guides

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Online guides to legal citations

Style Guides

How do I cite material generated by an artificial intelligence app like ChatGPT or Dall-E or others?



Many citation styles have recently created guidelines for citing text, images, sounds or other material generated by artificial intelligence (AI) tools:

APA  How to cite ChatGPT - This link from APAstyle provides guidance on in-text citations, reference list citations, and how to adapt this format for other AI tools. 


MLA  How do I cite generative AI in MLA? - This FAQ guides formatting in-text citations, citations in works cited, as well as other useful hints. 


Chicago  FAQ item from Chicago - This brief FAQ gives a couple of examples for citing AI in-text but does not recommend listing the AI material in the reference list. 


IEEE IEEE guidelines on Artificial Intelligence (AI)-generated text