1. See if NMSU has access to it electronically. Search by the name of the Journal.
2. If it is not available electronically, check to see if it is available in print.
3. If is is not available in print, order it via Interlibrary Loan.
The databases are online indexes to the contents of journals, magazines, and newspapers. They are what you'd use to find articles on a particular topic. The NMSU Library has access to over 200 different databases, many of which are subject-specific.
A-Z list of all NMSU Library databases
Those listed below provide the best access to psychology research; some databases are specific to a discipline; others cover a wide variety of subjects. The database will often provide access to full-text articles, or will link to the online journal if the library has a subscription.
A web-based portal featuring the DSM-V-TR, a critical reference tool in psychiatry. The site is also a collection of resources from the American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. that includes journals, textbooks, practice guidelines, self assessment tools, and medication information handouts.