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Public History

Resources for students studying Public History including: oral history, historical memory, museum studies, historic preservation, living history, digital humanities, documentary editing, and more.

Avoid Plagiarism!

What is plagiarism?

New Mexico State University defines plagiarism as "Using another person's work without acknowledgment, making it appear to be one's own." The Student Code of Conduct states, " Any ideas, words, pictures, or other source must be acknowledged in a citation that gives credit to the source. This is true no mater where the material comes from, including the internet, other student's work, unpublished materials, or oral sources. Intentional and unintentional instances of plagiarism are considered instances of academic misconduct. It is the responsibility of the student submitting the work in question to know, understand, and comply with this policy."

Additionally, the AHA’s Statement on Standards of Professional Conduct defines plagiarism as the appropriation of “the exact wording of another author without attribution,” and the borrowing of “distinctive and significant research findings or interpretations” without proper citation. Most cases of plagiarism represent a failure to properly paraphrase, quote, and cite sources. -- American Historical Association, "Defining Plagiarism"

Avoid plagiarism by citing your sources. Reusing your original work in another class is also plagiarism. Don't self-plagiarize! Learn more at NMSU Library: Plagiarism.

American Historical Association Statement of Professional Conduct

Citation Guides

Online Resources

Find an Article from a Citation

I have a citation (or, I know exactly what article I want).  How do I find the article?

1. See if NMSU has access to it electronically.  Search by the name of the Journal.

2. If it is not available electronically, check to see if it is available in print. 

3. If is is not available in print, order it via Interlibrary Loan.

Manage Your Citations

EndNote Web

The Library provides a free version of EndNote to all NMSU students called EndNote Web. It requires no download or installation and provides much of the same features available in the full version of EndNote.

Click HERE to learn how to access EndNote Web free through NMSU Library.